Using only HTML & CSS for Text Typing Animation

Hey learners , in this blog we’ll learn about the types of Text Typing Animation by using only HTML & CSS or Typewriter Text Animation. Earlier I have shared a blog on how vibrant and what are markup language so here is one of the usage from those vibrancy.

You might have seen these type of text typing animation on internet. Generally, these animations are created using JavaScript or jQuery library, and the famous jQuery library for text animation is typed.js but we can also create these text typing animations by using only HTML & CSS.

In these text animations, there are two types of texts .One is a static text which has no animation, and the second one has animation and it changes dynamically. We can added different texts to this animation and it’s shown one by one with a typing animation which looks pretty cool and interesting. If you need the source code do let me know I will share it ..

Till the stay focused stay safe :) :) ADIOS