My Google Interview Experience as a Fresher!

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During my Junior year, I had the privilege of receiving a message from a Google recruiter through Gmail. This recruiter reached out to me for a university graduate position, providing me with detailed information about the role right from the start. Their guidance throughout the entire process was clear and professional, leaving me both thrilled and well-prepared.

After our initial conversation, I was informed about the further steps in the hiring procedure. It was explained that I would go through two technical rounds as part of the evaluation process. Just a few days after our first discussion, I received confirmation of my interview details, marking the beginning of an exciting journey.

Post our initial discussion, I was allocated a month for preparation, I immersed myself in intensive study and practical application, refining my expertise and enhancing my capabilities in anticipation of the forthcoming obstacles.

The initial stage of the interview included a combination of technical evaluation and assessment of the elusive quality known as "Googliness" by Google. Spanning an hour in duration, the coding portion occupied 45 minutes, with the remaining 15 minutes devoted to evaluating attributes such as emotional intelligence and responses to various situations.

Throughout the coding segment, I was assigned the task of showcasing my adeptness in data structures and algorithms, utilizing my programming prowess to resolve authentic challenges. While I am unable to disclose the specific inquiries posed, I can affirm that it was a mind grilling problem statement.

The assessment's second phase, which took place the following day, maintained a similar structure and focused on technical competence and Googliness traits once again. I actively participated in discussions about improving code and resolving algorithmic problems, which allowed for a deeper examination of my reactions to different situations and social interactions.

After taking on the assessment, I would like to commend the interview process for its seamless execution and the encouragement it provided at every step. Each phase appeared to be well-thought-out, and I left with a feeling of empowerment and motivation from the opportunity to showcase my abilities.
After reflecting on the experience, I must express my admiration for the flawless execution and continuous support provided throughout the interview process. Each stage felt purposeful, leaving me empowered and inspired to showcase my abilities.

As I eagerly waited for the feedback from the interviewers, I am grateful for the opportunity to engage with such a renowned and innovative company but late was informed that due to recession the hiring has been put on hold. Regardless of the outcome, this journey has been incredibly valuable, providing invaluable insights and experiences that will shape my future endeavors.